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Actividades y agenda

Healthcare Procurement European Forum

Data d’inici:
lunes, 28 octubre 09:00
Data fi:
lunes, 28 octubre 12:00
Av. Tibidabo, 21. Barcelona.


Introduction and why:

The Catalan Health and Social Care Consortium (Consorci CSC) group 39 hospitals. As a central purchasing body the Consorci and the hospitals associated are interested to know the current public procurement trends implemented around. The visit to Barcelona of EHPPA central purchasing bodies is an opportunity for the Consorci associates to understand what's going on in health public procurement in Europe and an opportunity for the participants to show and debate about the implementation of innovative models like value based purchasing among others.  

Audience: Consorci associates and institutional invitations

  • Hospital health care procurement responsibles
  • Hospital pharmacists
  • Hospital managers
  • Health authorities

Objectives: To know what are the main activities developed by european purchasing bodies and to understand the current innovative trends in public health care procurement in Europe.


  • Alyson Brett. CEO NHS Commercial Solutions (UK)
  • Antoni Gilabert. Director of Pharmacy and Medicines CSC - Catalan Health and Social Care Consortium (Spain)
  • Bruno Pipo. Coordinator of purchasing SPMS - Serviços Partilhados do Ministério da Saúde (Portugal)
  • Gervin Meijer. Program manager NFU - Nederlandse Federatie van Universitair Medische Centra (Netherlands)
  • Louis Potel. Head of International Department RESAH - Réseau des Acheteurs Hospitaliers (France)
  • Ricardo Avvenenti. CEO CAIB - University hospitals of Geneva and Lausanne (Switzerland)
  • Kjetil M. Istad. CEO SYKEHUSINNKJOP (Norway)

Chairman: José Augusto García. CEO CSC - Catalan Health and Social Care Consortium (Spain)