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(SEPPS) Research Service

Institutional support

SEPPS collaborates with a total of 37 organization, networks and scientific societies in Catalonia (14), Spain (7), Europe (6) and Latin America (10)

Universidad Pompeu Fabra: Master's in public health

  • Master's in public health at the Universidad Pompeu Fabrar
  • Grantholders
    Gabriela Tiburcio (Mexico); Daniela Campaz (Colombia); José Miguel Cabrera (Colombia); Paula García (Chile);Ana M. Vélez (Colombia); Claudia Ortiz (Colombia); Josep M. Colomé (Catalonia); Sina Waibel (Austria); Diana Toledo (Peru); Paola Beltrán (Venezuela); Edgar Maydana (Bolivia); Mª José Letelier Ruiz (Chile); Marco Cornejo Ovalle (Chile); Renata Gusmão (Brazil); Jorge Becaria (Colombia); Mariam Montes de Oca (Dominican Republic); Rebeca Terraza (Catalonia); Diana Henao (Colombia); Vladimir Pizarro (Chile); Mª Àngels Pons (Balearic Islands, Spain)

Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona

A collaboration agreement with the UAB was signed in 2005 to launch joint initiatives in the field of science in order to work together and achieve a greater degree of efficiency and effectiveness in our respective spheres.
As a result of this agreement there are a number of joint investigation and teaching activities.

Universidad Mayor de Chile

The CSC has an institutional, academic and scientific collaboration agreement with the Universidad Mayor de Chile. In 2009 SEPPs participated in teaching a qualitative research module in the university's Master's in Public Health.

Participation in international and national investigation networks

  • WHO
    SEPPS collaborates with WHO Europe in matters of care coordination and integration in the framework of the Health 2020 program signed by the 53 member states of the WHO European Region. The overall objective of the program is to improve the health and welfare of the population, reduce health equalities, reinforce public health and ensure that systems of health focused on people are universal, sustainable, high quality, and provide equal treatment to all. 
  • European Commission
    The GAIA group collaborates in the Commitment to the Action Plans of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing: "Comprehensive approach to understand and measure care integration and to implement interventions".
    A considerable proportion of the research carried out by SEPPS is financed by European funds within the research framework program (FP7)
  • CIBERESP Research on Immigration and Health
    SEPPS has collaborate on the health and immigration subprogram carried out within the context of CIBERESP which was created with the aim of pooling experience and research efforts and which brings together 14 research groups.
  • IDESAL Network
    Member of the Health Investigation, Teaching and Outreach Network for Latin America, which links institutions and individuals interested in developing public health systems in Latin America and which brings together 8 scientific institutions from 8 Latin American countries and enjoys the European collaboration of SEPPS and the Belgium Institute of Tropical Medicine. 

Institutions with wich it collaborates:

Latin America

  • Organització Panamericana de la Salut (OPS)
  • Red de Investigación, Docencia y Extensión en Salud para América Latina (Red IDESAL)
  • Universidad de Chile (Xile)
  • Universidad Mayor de Chile
  • Universidad del Rosario (Colòmbia)
  • Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof. Fernando Figueira (Brasil)
  • Universidad de Pernambuco (Brasil)
  • Universidad Veracruzana (Mèxic)
  • Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Argentina)
  • Universidad de la República (Uruguay)


  • Organització Mundial de la Salut (OMS)
  • European Public Health Association (EUPHA)
  • Universitat Bielefeld (Alemanya)
  • Prince Leopold Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM; Bèlgica)
  • Comissió Europea
  • Grup d'Acció B3 d'integració de la atenció (DG Sanco, CE)


  • Sociedad Española de Salud Pública y Administración Sanitaria (SESPAS)
  • Consorcio de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP) subprograma d'immigració i salut, que reuneix 15 grup de recerca de l'Estat Espanyol.
  • Escuela Nacional de Sanidad
  • Instituto de Salud Carlos III
  • Universidad de Alicante
  • Servicio de Epidemiología de la Consejería General de Salud Pública de la Región de Murcia
  • Universidad de Sevilla
  • Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública

Catalonia and Spain

  • Agència de Salut Pública de Barcelona
  • Institut Català de la Salut (ICS)
  • Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
  • Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
  • Universitat de Barcelona (UB)
  • Consorci Sanitari de Terrassa
  • Consorci Sanitari del Garraf
  • Fundació Salut Empordà
  • Serveis de Salut Integrats Baix Empordà (SSIBE)
  • Badalona Serveis Assistencials (BSA)
  • Grup SAGESSA
  • Fundació Sociosanitària de Manresa
  • Parc de Salut Mar